Wednesday, May 6, 2020

United Nations An International Organization - 1858 Words

UNITED NATIONS DESCRIPTION: The United Nations is an international organization established to promote intercontinental support. Therefore, the main role of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to promote respect for human rights and to coordinate aid in disaster situations and to provide help on global issues such as drug trafficking and the environment. STRUCTURE: The UN today has 192 Member States who express their opinions through the following institutions. They are all located in New York: †¢ The General Assembly debates issues and recommends actions. †¢ The Security Council authorizes economic and military actions in settling disputes. †¢ The Economic and Social Council sponsors trades and human rights organizations. †¢ The International Court of Justice decides questions of international law. †¢ The Trusteeship Council controls territories under UN supervision. †¢ The Secretariat is the Administrator of the UN and coordinates work in UN agencies. HISTORY: In 1919 the League of Nations was created by the Treaty of Versailles in order to keep peace and security between nations after the First World War. It was made of 58 members but there were some significant problems with the organisation, as it had no army or power on its own. As a result of this, the League of Nations failed to prevent the Second World War and was replaced by the United Nations in 1945. 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