Friday, December 20, 2019

Ban the Box Argumentative Essay - 789 Words

With America being the land of opportunity, the U.S has presented quite a few disadvantaged Americans’ with not so many opportunities. Especially those people of who have been arrested for a criminal crime. This also includes freshly released from prison, probation and/or parole. A study in 2012 shows with one in four Americans in the United States today, have been arrested. (Solomon). That same study shows most Americans being arrested at the age of twenty three. This poses dilemmas as for employment breaks. Another disadvantage that comes to play is the initiative filling out the form of employment (The application). On that application for employment; reads a box that states criminal history, arrests previous to applying, also asks†¦show more content†¦These include not just parole, also probation or drug court. The easiest way of violating one of the community programs above is employment. It is not just a suggestion; it’s a requirement to remain to one’s freedom. Which is uncovered challenging, and in this day and time nearly unrealistic! Not only due to today’s economy; also due to that bad choice(s) or a criminal history can make finding employment difficult. NIJ (National Institute of Justice) found that a criminal record reduces the likelihood of a job or offer by over 50%! (Solomon) With another study showing that 92% of employers use some sort of background check. With any kind of simple arrest or crimi nal history (even if it didn’t lead to a conviction.) that shows quite a problem. So being on a community corrections program and the conditions of the job employment is very discouraging to more than half of those sentenced to these programs. Recidivism is bound to occur for mostShow MoreRelatedBanning The Advertising Of Tobacco Use906 Words   |  4 Pagesn this essay, I will discuss the positives and negatives related to countries banning the advertising of tobacco use, the complexities of the argument, finished with my own perspective. 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