Sunday, December 29, 2019

“Getting Information Off The Internet Is Like Taking A

â€Å"Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.† (Mitchell Kapor) This, nowadays, can be true, as there is seemingly limitless information. However, this has not always been a reality, as it has taken many years for everything to be developed. In the beginning, the internet was extremely limited and hardly worked. It took many people to construct what we have today. The invention and further development of the internet has impacted history, as it has revolutionized the way we communicate, allowed us to access information much more rapidly, and made working and writing much more efficient. The present-day technology that we have grown accustomed to has taken much brilliance, design, effort, and†¦show more content†¦It has been said: â€Å"The internet is the first thing the at humanity has invented that humanity doesn t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy we have ever had.† (Eric Schmidt) Before electronic communication, most were distant and those far away were seldom seen, save for the occasional phone call. With what has been created, it became possible to speak with those around the world, though at first it had only been professionals with access, simply and regularly. Originally the purpose of it was to make more secure connections with other officials possible, they were concerned about the phone system being attacked. It was not very successful at first, as the first computer crashed after a few letters were transmitted. After much more development, the first international email was able to be sent by the Queen of England. The curren t usage is convenient and quick, so it is widely accepted as people’s first choice to reach others. The connection that the internet provides can be shown through quotes, such as the following: â€Å"In almost every profession- whether it s law or journalism, finance or medicine or academia or running a small business- people rely on confidential communications to do their jobs. We count on that space of trust that confidentiality provides. When someone breaches that trust, we are all worse off for it.† (Hillary Clinton) This invention has also made knowledge much more easily accessibleShow MoreRelatedInternet Security And The Internet955 Words   |  4 PagesInternet security are such a big thing because many things are based off the internet. As in most of the storage is done off of cloud storage, so you don’t need lots of storage in your computer. Which makes internets unsafe because anyone could hack into your account and take your information. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Ban the Box Argumentative Essay - 789 Words

With America being the land of opportunity, the U.S has presented quite a few disadvantaged Americans’ with not so many opportunities. Especially those people of who have been arrested for a criminal crime. This also includes freshly released from prison, probation and/or parole. A study in 2012 shows with one in four Americans in the United States today, have been arrested. (Solomon). That same study shows most Americans being arrested at the age of twenty three. This poses dilemmas as for employment breaks. Another disadvantage that comes to play is the initiative filling out the form of employment (The application). On that application for employment; reads a box that states criminal history, arrests previous to applying, also asks†¦show more content†¦These include not just parole, also probation or drug court. The easiest way of violating one of the community programs above is employment. It is not just a suggestion; it’s a requirement to remain to one’s freedom. Which is uncovered challenging, and in this day and time nearly unrealistic! Not only due to today’s economy; also due to that bad choice(s) or a criminal history can make finding employment difficult. NIJ (National Institute of Justice) found that a criminal record reduces the likelihood of a job or offer by over 50%! (Solomon) With another study showing that 92% of employers use some sort of background check. With any kind of simple arrest or crimi nal history (even if it didn’t lead to a conviction.) that shows quite a problem. So being on a community corrections program and the conditions of the job employment is very discouraging to more than half of those sentenced to these programs. Recidivism is bound to occur for mostShow MoreRelatedBanning The Advertising Of Tobacco Use906 Words   |  4 Pagesn this essay, I will discuss the positives and negatives related to countries banning the advertising of tobacco use, the complexities of the argument, finished with my own perspective. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Informs Readers About Content Of Article †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Informs Readers About Content Of Article? Answer: Introduction The aim of the assignment is to critically analyse the paper based on the topic Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a mandatory requirement to maintain a nurses registration, to ensure they are able to maintain and enhance their knowledge, skills and performance to deliver safe patient care. Yet the minimum number of hours required is difficult for many nurses to attain, and can take away from the time needed for patient care. Using the framework guide provided a constructive feedback will be provided. Critique In the given article, the position statement is precise and clearly stated. It informs the readers about the content of article. The position statement reflects two different aspects one is that, it is essential for the nurses to engage in continuous professional development to deliver the safe patient care and at the same time, it highlights that it is difficult to attain the minimum hours as it may take away time needed for patient care. The position statement is well structured with introduction and conclusion clearly stating the position. The position statement is related to topic and draws the attention of the readers to review the full text of the paper. The content of the paper regarding the registered nurse and the reason for CPD being essential component for them is stated. The author of the given paper adequately demonstrates the links to the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice. In this context, it is comprehensively discussed that why it is required to meet the CPD criteria The position statement gives an hint that the NMBA standards supports this position. The position statement is supported with relevant references. It is an evidence that supports the arguments in the paper. The evidence is relevant to the topic and is very recent, thus indicating that the information is authentic and reliable (McMillan Schumacher, 2014). The evidence supporting the position statement is current and credible because it pertains to Australian government website such as, which, gives updated information pertaining to this area. It demonstrates the depth of the research conducted for writing and is convincing for the readers. The use of credible sources highlights the academic integrity (Rahimi et al., 2017). The paper is flawless in terms of the information provided and every piece of it is supported with the evidence including the statement on national law, the hours required for and the mandatory learning activities in CPD, by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2017. The author has also supported the arguments on why it is necessary to take opportunity and extra measures of CPD. The author has mentioned about different NMBA standards such as standard 2.4, 2.7, 3.3, 3.7, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2 and each one is supported with in text citations. The author has provided clear information supporting with information on why it is difficult for the nurses to attain the minimum 20 hours of CPD. It includes work stress, overload, busy schedule and consequences of not fulfilling these responsibilities. The author has supported all the parameters with reliable references. There is no need of adding any external references in this context and there is no compromise on academic honesty (Thomso n, 2016). References McMillan, J. H., Schumacher, S. (2014).Research in education: Evidence-based inquiry. Pearson Higher Ed. Rahimi, Z., Litman, D., Correnti, R., Wang, E., Matsumura, L. C. (2017). Assessing Students Use of Evidence and Organization in Response-to-Text Writing: Using Natural Language Processing for Rubric-Based Automated Scoring.International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1-35. Thomson, P. (2016). Writing the introduction to a journal article: say what the reader is going to encounter and why it is important.Impact of Social Sciences Blog.